Sunday, January 10, 2010

Why do you need to clarify Mr Tharoor..!!

We all saw the controversy created by media about comments of Shashi Tharoor on Mr. Nehru, but it was again a case of irresponsible and non professional journalism as clarified today by Mr Tharoor. Even if it was the case so, why aren't we open to hear something about Mr Nehru or any of our politicians?.

Everyone knows about what they had given us and what have we lost because of them. The Gandhi family is here in politics because of their legacy. We always had good and bad politicians. Those who were seriously into doing good for our country never had any legacy. Where is anyone from the family of Sardar Patel or Dr Rajendra Prasad? Everyone knew how Sardar patel was asked to opt out of Congress leadership by Mr Gandhi.

All we have got now are the people from Gandhi and Nehru family.Those who got a license to "serve" the country because they are from those families. One of our ex-PM Mr Devegowda appeared on telivision scolding current Karnatak CM. Hw was using a language that will not be accepted for even a school kid. Today we have so called veterns like Mr Tiwari getting caught in something in appropriate for even a "Aam Aadmi", forget accepting a Governer getting caught in doing that.

In this scenario if Mr Tharoor writes something, he is critisised by his party and forced to clarify. Why should he do that? I am amazed by the transperancy he shows in his work. How many politicians have guts to share what they are doing in their everyday life. To share something, they need to do something in everyday life for the poeple who eleceted them, which I doubt they do.

Anyone who is interested in Indian poilitical history know about Ms Edwina Mounbatten's tryst with Indian politics and Indian politician. They know what India has lost while listening to those so called leaders. Sardar Patel who was someone responsible for bringing all small "Riyasats" together to form India of today, had different views from those big leaders of that time. And we can see now whose started things on wrong notes, we can see people again fighting for their separate states.

I being a proud citizen of free India respect everyone's views and expect everyone to express his views, so Mr Tharoor no need to clarify anything, just keep doing good work for the people..!!

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